With a PowerSecure advanced microgrid, your facility can power its operations using a mix of conventional and renewable energy sources on-site — in tandem with the traditional utility grid. As a result, you can benefit from true energy independence, even as grid conditions continue to evolve in real-time.

Central to this entire design is our energy storage technology, which allows you to dispatch electricity whenever and wherever it is needed most.

The Benefits of Using a Energy Storage Microgrid

Each PowerSecure advanced microgrid solution comes with an on-site storage system, so that your facility can benefit from the following:

  • Increased reliability: Renewable technologies such as solar and wind are intermittent, with variable output throughout the day. On-site battery storage can help you mitigate peaks and valleys for increased reliability.
  • Higher savings: Because you can store excess power from the grid or from on-site renewable energy assets, you can use whichever energy is cheapest at that moment — leading to higher overall savings.
  • Smaller carbon footprint: Rather than feed unused solar and wind power into the grid, you can store this green energy for your consumption. This allows you to reduce your facility’s total impact on the environment.
  • More emergency backup power: If the grid goes down or if your solar panels stop working, you still have access to emergency backup power, day and night. This redundancy is critical for business continuity — especially for data centers, medical facilities, military installations, and university campuses.

Even without grid outages or rising utility prices, many of our clients invest in energy storage simply for peace of mind. On-site storage is a critical component of true energy independence — regardless of grid conditions or market forces.

What Energy Storage Technology Do We Use?

Our team uses a variety of solutions, lithium iron, hydrogen-based batteries, in addition to pressurized hydrogen. This flexibility ensures that your microgrid is always correctly sized to meet your operational needs.

Let Us Design the Right Energy Storage Solution for You

Whether to reduce your spending, shrink your carbon footprint, or shore up your business continuity plans, coupling on-site battery storage technology with a PowerSecure microgrid solution can help you achieve your goals.

To learn more about our energy storage systems, schedule a free consultation with a PowerSecure expert today.