How Microgrids Help Retail, Grocery, and Logistics Companies Stay Operational During Storms

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 10.25.04 AMDuring events like Hurricane Beryl, PowerSecure's dedication to customer support and operational resilience is clear. Through full-scale pre-storm testing and rapid deployment of mobile generation assets, we helped businesses maintain power and stay operational during widespread outages. As the storm progressed distributed generation was brought online as significant utility outages occurred across the Houston area.  As utility outages expanded, PowerSecure helped our clients redeploy mobile assets for many sites in Houston without permanent generation.  Our team worked tirelessly, often around the clock, to position, commission, and operate mobile units during & immediately after the storm. For industries like retail, grocery, and logistics, having reliable energy during such events is critical—not just for business continuity, but for serving their communities in times of need.

Microgrids: Ensuring Business Continuity in Retail, Grocery, and Logistics

When severe storms strike, businesses can be caught without the energy needed to keep their operations running. Microgrids provide a resilient solution, allowing companies in the retail, grocery, and logistics sectors to stay functional even as grid power goes down. These industries are critical during emergencies—grocery stores must keep food from spoiling, retailers provide essential goods, and logistics companies ensure the supply chain remains intact.

With PowerSecure’s microgrid solutions, businesses can stay operational and ready to serve their communities.

Case Study: Hurricane Beryl’s Impact and Our Response

As Hurricane Beryl approached, PowerSecure activated its distributed energy resources, providing critical support across the Houston area. Our mobile generation units were redeployed to various sites experiencing outages, ensuring continuity of service for multiple businesses. Here’s a snapshot of our performance during the storm:

  • 96.7% reliability across 121 events, with an average event duration of 32 hours.
  • 101 dispatches to assist customers, including mobile generator connections, alarm troubleshooting, and critical repairs.
  • Some systems ran for up to 7.5 days continuously, providing uninterrupted power.

Storm Preparedness: Our Approach

When a storm is forecasted, PowerSecure takes proactive steps to ensure our customers are ready:

  • Pre-Storm Testing: We conduct comprehensive system checks, top off fuel, and prepare mobile units for deployment. Some clients even choose to switch to generator power ahead of a storm to avoid any service interruptions when utility power fails.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Our 24/7/265 PowerControl energy monitoring services keep a vigilant eye on your power. As the storm progresses, we monitor systems constantly. If the utility power is lost, generators switch to generator power seamlessly. We report outages to utilities and attempt to get estimated restoration times, though these are often unavailable during severe storms.

PowerSecure’s PowerControl is a team of industrial power monitoring experts with complete situational awareness of your microgrid and quick access to fuel suppliers and maintenance teams. The PowerControl Operation Center monitors and manages the health of each distributed energy resource (DER) and reports any change in status to our customers and utilities on a continuous basis. This round-the-clock monitoring ensures that your energy projects and assets benefit from optimal uptime — regardless of grid conditions, weather or other external factors.

PowerControl monitors systems throughout the United States. In the event of severe weather or other emergencies, PowerSecure issues a proactive response to begin prepping customer assets, including fueling generators and increased system testing. In addition, with our 24/7 facility power monitoring, we can dispatch service repair teams to help bring your energy generation and storage solutions back online as quickly as possible to ensure you receive the highest returns from your investment.

  • Remote Activation: PowerControl enables remote starting and stopping of units, allowing for seamless transitions between utility and generator power. One of our largest customers will come off utility power pre-storm (even when the utility power is still up) and go on to generator power so that there is no blip. They also know that the generator is running, and they have power at their facility.

This level of preparedness ensures that retail, grocery, and logistics companies can keep their doors open, protect their perishable goods, and continue operating even in the face of severe weather.

Nationwide Service Network and Emergency Response

PowerSecure’s national service network ensures that help is always nearby. When storms hit, our emergency response teams are dispatched immediately, working to restore power as quickly as possible. From routine maintenance to rapid mobilization, our teams are ready to support your facility’s energy needs:

  • Emergency Response Teams: Positioned nationwide to provide immediate assistance in restoring power.
  • Rapid Restoration: Our teams work tirelessly to minimize downtime and restore full system functionality after an outage.

Benefits of Partnering with PowerSecure

By partnering with PowerSecure, businesses in the retail, grocery, and logistics sectors can enjoy:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your facility is equipped with a resilient power system.
  • Continuous Operations: Microgrids and backup power solutions that ensure uninterrupted service, no matter the weather.
  • Loss Prevention: Prevent costly losses from spoiled goods, operational shutdowns, and more.

Stay Prepared with PowerSecure

For critical industries, maintaining power during severe weather is essential. PowerSecure’s microgrid solutions provide the resilience and reliability needed to weather any storm. Connect with us to learn more about how we can help your business stay operational, protect your assets, and serve your community during times of crisis.

With PowerSecure, you can face the next storm with confidence.

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