Severe weather can plunge your facility into darkness in an instant, but with a microgrid, you can stay illuminated and operational no matter the conditions outside. For hospitals, government buildings, data centers, and other critical facilities, uninterrupted power is essential. Advanced microgrid solutions provide the backup power you need to remain resilient, continue your mission, and avoid potentially catastrophic losses during storms.

Why Storm Resiliency Matters

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and even strong summer thunderstorms can wreak havoc on infrastructure, causing widespread power outages. Having a robust storm response and energy restoration plan is crucial for your facility. Installing distributed energy resources, such as a microgrid with energy storage capabilities, ensures continuous operation even when the main grid is not available. Proper service and maintenance of this microgrid will restore crucial services immediately, preventing worst-case scenarios and maintaining your facility’s functionality.

PowerSecure: Your Partner in Storm Preparation and Recovery

As a leader in providing microgrids and other energy services, PowerSecure offers the peace of mind and power system resilience you need. Our Tier 4 final or natural gas generators and control systems create microgrids that will keep you connected to power even during main grid outages. With PowerSecure’s microgrids and storm response services, you can implement an effective storm response strategy and ensure your facility is always prepared, regardless of the weather.

Our Approach to Storm Preparedness

When a storm is forecasted, PowerSecure takes proactive measures to ensure customer systems are ready:

Monitoring and Customer Support:

      • Pre-Storm Testing: We contact customers to perform additional system tests and ensure they are prepared. This involves topping off fuel, increasing testing levels, and preparing mobile units for deployment. In certain cases, customers will request to come off utility power pre-storm (even when the utility power is still up) and go on to generator power so that there is no blip.


      • Real-Time Monitoring: Our 24/7/265 PowerControl energy monitoring services keep a vigilant eye on your power. As the storm progresses, we monitor systems constantly. If the utility power is lost, generators switch to generator power seamlessly. We report outages to utilities and attempt to get estimated restoration times, though these are often unavailable during severe storms.
        PowerSecure’s PowerControl is a team of industrial power monitoring experts with complete situational awareness of your microgrid and quick access to fuel suppliers and maintenance teams. The PowerControl Operation Center monitors and manages the health of each distributed energy resource (DER) and reports any change in status to our customers and utilities on a continuous basis. This round-the-clock monitoring ensures that your energy projects and assets benefit from optimal uptime — regardless of grid conditions, weather or other external factors.
        PowerControl monitors systems throughout the United States. In the event of severe weather or other emergencies, PowerSecure issues a proactive response to begin prepping customer assets, including fueling generators and increased system testing. In addition, with our 24/7 facility power monitoring, we can dispatch service repair teams to help bring your energy generation and storage solutions back online as quickly as possible to ensure you receive the highest returns from your investment.


      • Remote Activation: PowerControl enables remote starting and stopping of units, allowing for seamless transitions between utility and generator power. One of our largest customers will come off utility power pre-storm (even when the utility power is still up) and go on to generator power so that there is no blip. They also know that the generator is running, and they have power at their facility.


Nationwide Service Network:


      • Rapid Restoration: Our dedicated teams work tirelessly to restore your power systems to full functionality as quickly as possible, minimizing downtime and potential losses.



Resilience in Action

During Hurricane Beryl, PowerSecure’s commitment to customer support was evident. Large retail and healthcare facilities, often serving as community safe havens, relied on our systems to remain operational. Our team worked tirelessly, often around the clock, to ensure that mobile units and permanent systems were fueled, tested, and operational. This dedication was critical for communities needing access to food, water, and medicine during widespread outages.

Overall, our reliability percentage was 96.7% across 121 events for the storm’s duration.  Event durations averaged almost 32 hours.  Our longest running event for this storm was approximately 7.5 days.  PowerControl’ s service team recorded 101 dispatches in support of our customers prior, during and after the storm. They successfully assisted customers with mobile generator connections, alarm troubleshooting, and critical repairs to down units during the storm.



Benefits of Partnering with PowerSecure

    • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your facility is equipped with a robust, resilient power system allows you to focus on your mission without worrying about power interruptions.


    • Continuous Operations: Our microgrids and backup power solutions ensure that your critical operations continue uninterrupted, even during severe weather events.


    • Preventing Catastrophic Losses: By maintaining power during outages, you can prevent the devastating effects that power loss can have on your organization, from data loss to operational shutdowns.


Connect with Us

For critical facilities, maintaining power during severe weather events is essential. PowerSecure is here to help you achieve storm resiliency and ensure continuous operation. Contact us today to learn more about our microgrid solutions and storm response services. With PowerSecure, you can face any storm with confidence, knowing that your facility is prepared for whatever comes its way.