PowerSecure, Inc. - Innovative Energy Solutions of The Future

A Guide to Commercial & Industrial Battery Backup Systems

Written by Admin | Aug 19, 2024 4:00:00 AM


The Need for Power Resiliency in the Commercial and Industrial Sectors

In the commercial and industrial sectors, power resiliency is not just a matter of convenience—it’s a critical necessity. Facilities such as manufacturing plants, data centers, retail, hospitals, and large office complexes face unique challenges that make reliable power essential. Power outages can lead to significant downtime, equipment damage, and even safety hazards. Ensuring a continuous power supply is crucial for maintaining operations, protecting sensitive equipment, and safeguarding employee and customer well-being.


As part of a microgrid system, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) play a crucial role in enhancing power resilience and efficiency. A BESS captures energy from various sources, accumulates this energy, and stores it in rechargeable batteries for later use. This stored energy is then available to provide backup power during outages, manage energy demand, and support other energy use cases, making BESS an indispensable component of a modern microgrid.

The Unique Challenges These Facilities Face

Commercial and industrial facilities are often large and complex, with intricate power needs. They operate around the clock, have high energy demands, and house critical systems that cannot afford interruptions. For instance, a data center’s servers need constant power to prevent data loss, while a hospital’s life-saving equipment must always be operational. These facilities must be prepared for unexpected power outages caused by severe weather events, natural disasters, equipment failures, or grid instability.

What Are Commercial & Industrial Battery Backup Systems?

Definition & Role of the Systems

Commercial and industrial battery backup systems are energy storage solutions designed to provide uninterrupted power to facilities during outages. These systems store electrical energy and deliver it when the primary power source fails. They are integral to a facility’s power management strategy, ensuring operations can continue smoothly even during grid disruptions.

The Types of Facilities That Benefit from These Systems

How Do Commercial & Industrial Battery Systems Work?

Integration into Existing Power Systems

Commercial and industrial battery backup systems are designed to seamlessly integrate with a facility’s existing power infrastructure. They are connected to the primary power source and monitor its status continuously.

Activation When the Power Goes Out

When the primary power source fails, the battery backup system automatically activates. This instant response ensures there is no interruption in the power supply, allowing critical systems to remain operational.

Providing Backup Power & Resiliency

Once activated, the battery system supplies power to essential equipment and systems, maintaining operations until the primary power source is restored. This capability significantly enhances a facility’s resilience against power outages, minimizing the impact of such events.

Key Benefits of Battery Energy Storage in Commercial & Industrial Microgrids

PowerSecure hybrid microgrid solutions often include an on-site storage system, so that your facility can benefit from the following:

  • Increased reliability: Renewable technologies such as solar and wind are intermittent, with variable output throughout the day. On-site battery storage can help you mitigate peaks and valleys for increased reliability.
  • Higher savings: Because you can store excess power from the grid or from on-site energy assets, you can use whichever energy is cheapest and cleaner at that moment — leading to higher overall savings.
  • Smaller carbon footprint: You can store solar and wind generation for future consumption. This allows you to reduce your facility’s total impact on the environment.
  • More emergency backup power: If the grid goes down or if your solar panels stop working, you still have access to emergency backup power, day and night. This redundancy is critical for business continuity — especially for data centers, medical facilities, retail, military installations, and university campuses.

Which Battery is Best for Commercial & Industrial Backup?

When choosing a battery for commercial and industrial backup, several factors must be considered, including cost, lifespan, maintenance requirements, and performance under different conditions. Here are some common options:

Lead-Acid Batteries

  • Strengths: Cost-effective, reliable, and widely used.
  • Weaknesses: Shorter lifespan and higher maintenance compared to other options.

Nickel Cadmium Batteries

  • Strengths: Durable, good lifespan, and performs well in extreme temperatures.
  • Weaknesses: Higher cost and environmental concerns due to toxic components.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Strengths: High energy density, good lifespan, and low maintenance.
  • Weaknesses: Higher upfront cost but offers better overall performance and efficiency.

Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries

  • Strengths: Long lifespan, very low maintenance, and performs very well in extreme temperatures. 
  • Weaknesses: Higher upfront cost but offers excellent overall performance and efficiency. 

PowerSecure’s Options

Our team uses a variety of storage solutions, lead-acid, lithium ion, and hydrogen-based batteries. This flexibility ensures that your microgrid is always correctly sized to meet your operational needs.

PowerSecure conducts expert assessments to determine the ideal backup power solution for each facility. We consider factors such as energy demand, critical operations, and budget to provide a customized and efficient battery backup system. 

PowerSecure: Energy Storage Microgrid Solutions

PowerSecure specializes in installing, managing, and servicing microgrid and energy storage solutions. Our expertise ensures that your facility is equipped with the best possible backup power system, tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today to learn how we can enhance your facility’s power resilience and ensure continuous, reliable operations.

With PowerSecure, you can face any power outage with confidence, knowing that your facility is prepared for whatever comes its way.

Contact us today.